Enable the setting 


The setting should already be there. 

Set it to ALL to enable barcodes for all orders.

UPDATE dbo.DeviceSettings SET Value = 'ALL' WHERE [Key] = 'enable_barcode_for_ordertypes'

Set the value to an empty string to disable barcodes.

UPDATE dbo.DeviceSettings SET Value = '' WHERE [Key] = 'enable_barcode_for_ordertypes'

If you want the barcodes to appear for particular order types then set the value to those types.

Example for one order type.

UPDATE dbo.DeviceSettings SET Value = '1,2,3' WHERE [Key] = 'enable_barcode_for_ordertypes'

Example for multiple order types.

UPDATE dbo.DeviceSettings SET Value = '37,110' WHERE [Key] = 'enable_barcode_for_ordertypes'

This setting is generally not available from the console and currently should only be enabled for specific customers.

SQL to insert setting

If the setting is not in the database, this sql will insert into database.

INSERT INTO dbo.DeviceSettings ([Key], [Description], [Type], [Value], [AllowUserOverride], [ShowOnServer], [Category])


( N'enable_barcode_for_ordertypes', N'Order types that should show the barcode screen', N'Array', N'', 0, 0, 'Orders' )