You can easily schedule a report in IntelliBrand. This means a report will be emailed to a selected email address or a selected range of email addresses on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly recurrences. This tutorial explains how to schedule a report in the Report Scheduler.

  1. Open IntelliBrand console, go to the Reports tab and click on the Scheduler icon.

  2. Click on the button or on the highlighted text to schedule a report - the text is only visible if there are no scheduled reports found.

  3. A new form will open - on this form, you can specify the type of report you want to schedule (highlighted with yellow). Click on the Report Type drop-down to see a list of all available reports and a short description about each report. In this tutorial, we schedule a Distribution by Month report but you can work with any other report.
    Give this scheduled report a name in the Scheduled Report Name text field (highlighted with blue). This is a custom name of your choice and it will help identifying this scheduled report in the future.

  4. After you selected a report, a + button will appear at the bottom of the Recipients grid. Click on this button (highlighted below) to add destination email address(es) and to set up the filters.

  5. A new record will be added to the Recipients grid. Add one or more email addresses in the Destinations text box - if you add more email addresses, please separate them with a comma. Edit the subject line of the email in the Subject text box  and click on the Save button. The edit form will close and you will see the new record added to the grid.

  6. You can set-up your filters now. Please note that different reports have different filters. If you did not select the Distribution by Month report then you will see a different set of filters. Click on the filter drop-downs you would like to edit and select your filters from the drop-downs. Some filters are multi-select and others are single-select.

  7. You can set-up duration filter on the report - this will filter the data returned in the report from the last selected number of days, weeks, months or years. If you click on the Fixed option then you can select a date - the report will only include data from the specified date to the current date. Please note, not all reports have duration filters.

  8. The Report Scheduler allows you to send the same report with different filters to multiple email addresses or to multiple groups of email addresses. You can either click on the + button again to add new recipients or you can duplicate an existing recipients record - as part of this tutorial, click on the Duplicate button (highlighted below).

  9. Our recipients record is now duplicated. Double-click on the record opens the edit form. Delete some email addresses and edit the subject line then click on the Save button.

  10. Change some of the filters and edit the duration filter. 

  11. You can use the Reset filters button (highlighted with yellow) to Reset filters to their default value. You can remove a Recipients record by clicking on the Delete button (highlighted with blue).

  12. By default, empty reports are not created and sent. If the Send blank report option is checked, an empty report will be sent if no data is found in the time interval, specified in the duration filters. Enable this feature by clicking on Send blank report.

  13. A scheduled report can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the Enabled checkbox.

  14. By default, every new scheduled report is created with a daily schedule. You can see the recurrence type of the report and what time it is sent, next to the Enabled checkbox - this text is not visible when a scheduled report is disabled. You can modify the schedule by clicking on either the Recurrence button or on the Modify link (both highlighted below). Click on one them to open the Recurrence settings form.

  15. The Recurrence settings form has three parts.
    1. Time (highlighted with yellow) - You can set what time you want this report to be sent.
    2. Recurrence pattern (highlighted with red) - You can choose from daily, weekly, monthly or yearly recurrence types and specify more options. More information about this is included in step 17.
    3. Range of recurrence (highlighted with blue) - This section allows you to set-up the start date from when this scheduled report is enabled and you can also set an end date or a number of occurrences - please note start date is automatically calculated if you select a non-daily recurrence pattern. More information about this is in step 18.

  16. Set the time in the Send at spinner to 10:30. You can either click on the up and down arrows - they will increase or decrease the time by 15 minutes - or you can click on the spinner and enter the time. You can navigate between hours and minutes by the left and right arrows on you keyboard or by clicking on them. Please note that the time you enter manually will be rounded to the closest 15 minutes.

  17. A report can be scheduled daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Below you can find more information about the different schedule types available for all recurrence patterns.
    1. Daily recurrence pattern
      1. If you don't want a report to be sent every day, you can increase the number of days in the spinner highlighted below.

      2. If you don't want a daily report to be sent on the weekends, you can click on the Every weekday radio button.

    2. Weekly recurrence pattern
      1. If you don't want a report to be sent every week, you can increase or decrease the number weeks in the Recur every (number) week(s) spinner.

      2. You can get a weekly report scheduled on one or more days by clicking on the check-boxes next to each day - i.e. if you want a report to be sent on Monday and on Friday, then click on the check-box next to Monday and on the one next to Friday.

    3. Monthly recurrence pattern
      1. You can select the day (1 - 31), and number of months - if you don't want this report to be sent every month. The settings below will schedule a report on the 10th of every month.

      2. Or you can select a more advanced option, where you can specify a day on a particular week of the month.

    4. Yearly recurrence pattern
      1. You can set fixed date - the below settings will schedule the report to be sent on 1st of January every year.

      2. Or you can choose a more advanced option. The below settings will schedule the report on the first weekday of January.

  18. Range of recurrence - by default, a schedule has no end date i.e. it will continue until it's deleted or disabled. If you want to run a report a certain number of times, or until a predefined end date, you can use the options in the Range of recurrence section.
    1. If you want to run a report a certain number of times, then click on the End after radio button, and edit the number of occurrences.

    2. If you want a report to be sent until a predefined date then click on the End by radio button and select date by clicking on the date picker.

  19. In this tutorial, we create a monthly schedule and we set this report to be sent on the first day of every month. We also want this report to be sent until we disable or delete this schedule. See the settings below and click OK.

  20. After the Report recurrence form is closed, the text that displays the schedule will be updated.

  21. Click on the Save And Close button.

  22. The form will close and your newly created scheduled report will be visible in the list of scheduled reports (highlighted by yellow). You can also see the recipients on the right (marked by blue) - you can click on any of them to edit. You can filter the list of the scheduled reports by clicking on one of the filters on the left (marked by green) or by typing into one of the search text-boxes on the top of the form.

  23. Right-click on any scheduled report will display the context menu (marked with yellow) with different options. You can also use the buttons available on the right. The Send Now button (marked with red) will send a report request to our server and schedule the report to be sent shortly after this button is clicked - this does not change the schedule of the report. The Duplicate button (marked with green) copies the selected scheduled report and creates another instance with the same schedule and same recipients. The Edit button (marked with purple) opens the form that we used to create the scheduled report and it allows you to edit the recurrence details or the recipients. The Delete button (marked with blue) will remove the selected scheduled report from the list - Warning! This operation can't be undone.