There is now a feature in Products whereby you can upload multiple images to a single product or bulk upload.  

Please see the following for instructions;

1. Upload images to a single product

Select on MasterData > Products > Products

In here you will see a list of all products.  If you go to the last column named Images and select the photo icon it will then bring up the window below so you can upload an image.  

Select on NEW to upload

Then you can browse the the photo you require and select upload

Once you have selected the photo it will then appear in this window.  You can then give this a description name and select on SAVE

If you have multiple photos that you wish to upload you can also drag and drop photos

When you have the photo window open, select on NEW then it will allow you to browse to where the photos are located. 

Highlight all images and drag them to the photo window. 

Once imported you will get the message below "imported successfully"

Controls below when uploading images;

Previous/Next - If you have more than one photo you can select previous/next to move from one to the other

New - This allows you to upload a new photo 

Delete Selected - Select the image and then delete

Delete All - This will delete all images for the product

2. Bulk-upload images

You can bulk upload multiple images in IntelliBrand console.

These images must be named ProductCode.jpg  (or .png or .tiff)

e.g.  PR00001.jpg, PR0002.jpg

If you have more than 1 image per product, then you can name them as:

PR0001.jpg, PR0001_1.jpg, PR0001_2.jpg 

Windows does not support the following characters in your file names: <. >, :, ", /, \, |, ?, *

If any of your product codes include any of those characters then please replace them in your file names in the following way:

Invalid characterReplacement


  1. There is a product in the system with code PR001/1. Make sure you change your file name to C:\your\path\PR001--1.jpg
  2. There is a product in the system with code PR001\1. Make sure you change your file name to C:\your\path\PR001%1.jpg

Note: Please make sure that the images are of a sufficient resolution so that they can be displayed with clarity on your Tablet. The best way to ensure this is to view the image on your desktop.

  1. To bulk upload multiple images, select on Import Images in the Products from highlighted below. You then need to select on Browse.
  2. Select the folder that you have saved with images example folder below. Images can be saved as .png, .tiff, .tif, .jpg or .jpeg
  3. A message box is displayed after the upload is completed. It will inform you if there were any errors during upload.

  4. Click ok to close the message box.

  5. If there were errors during upload, a table will be displayed with the file names, the product associated with the image, the description of the image and the action you can take to correct the upload error.

    1. If the action message displayed is "Product not found. Select an existing product and try again" then click on the down arrow in the Product column and select the product from the list.
    2. Click on a different row or cell, and the red delete button will change to a green retry button. Click on the retry button to upload the image.