You can easily create and maintain your surveys in the IntelliBrand console. This article explains the differences between the different survey types, how to create and maintain survey, how to add questions to your surveys, how to assign your surveys to users and customer groups and how to create rules in your survey. 

Survey types:

In-Call surveys: they are available for users to complete when they are doing a call in the IntelliBrand mobile app. They can be assigned to users and customer groups.

Prospect surveys: they are available in prospect calls and can be assigned to users and customer groups.

User surveys: they are available for users in the home screen of the IntelliBrand mobile app, under the Surveys section. They can be assigned to all users or to specific users.

Audit surveys: Usually short surveys that should be completed while reps auditing products. The same survey can be completed for each product. They are displayed next to each product in the Audits tab in IntelliBrand

Promotion surveys: Usually short surveys that capture information in relation to promotions. They are visible next to each promotion item in the IntelliBrand app under the Promotions tab

Survey Designer

Let's have a look at the survey designer form in the console. You can open the survey designer form by going to Master Data > Surveys in the console.

The survey designer form has 4 main areas.

  1. Bar menu area - New Survey, Delete Survey, Duplicate Survey buttons can be found here along with the Test Survey button that launches the Test Survey Dialog.
  2. Surveys list area - You can find all your surveys here grouped. Hovering over each survey will display a tool tip with useful information about the survey. 
  3. Survey maintenance area- This area has two tabs
    1. Survey design tab - You can change the survey's name, start date, end date and index here. You can also activate/deactivate a survey by clicking on the Active switch, or you can make the survey retain results by turning on the Retain Results switch - please note, the Retain Result switch is only available in in-call surveys.
    2. Assigned Users/Groups tab - A user survey can only be assigned to users, whereas any other survey can be assigned to both users and customer groups. Please note, a survey is assigned to all users and customer groups both when all users and customer groups are checked and when no users and customer groups are checked
  4. Survey questions area - this is where you can create and manage your questions that belongs to the selected survey. Hovering over each question will display a tool tip with useful information about each question. You can open the edit question dialog by clicking on the pencil icon or double clicking on a question. You can open the logic builder by clicking on the branch icon. More about