Please follow the below steps:

You will firstly need to set up a YouTube account.  Please follow the below link on how to set up your YouTube account;

Uploading Video to Youtube
  • Click on Upload once you have signed into YouTube
  • Then browse for the video you wish to upload
  • Create a title for this video
  • IMPORTANT: Please ensure from the Privacy settings that you select on UNLISTED this will allow the video to be viewed with anyone who has the link which will be Reps only through the Console.

Uploading Video to Intellibrand Console

  • Copy full URL for the video that is uploaded to your YouTube account that is require for upload e.g. (
  • Select Media in Console
  • Select on New Media Item to upload the Video - Enter description and type.
  • In the Document column copy FULL URL in here
  • Video has now been uploaded

Once the above is done Reps will need to SYNC their devices to download the video, which can be then viewed under Media on devices.